Art of expressing in material

Circo Michelangelo

The Imagination where it all begins

Main works

The water molecule

Gold Torus


Coming soon

Upcoming exhibitions

La Flèche Wallonne

Chemin des Chapelles – 5000 Huy
19 Avril 2023

Francesco Lo Bue
Director of Culture and Scientific Information at the University of Mons

One same origin. One same generation. The same environment. Two totally different paths, as improbable as they are unpredictable for these migrant children that we are.
Steel is part of his daily life. It was also my father’s. But from the steel industry to the sidereal world – my favourite playground – there is only one step that Michelangelo invites us to take.
His approach is daring, unprecedented, full of panache. Michelangelo decided to sublimate steel. He forges it as one forges one’s dreams. It gives birth to fascinating works, which have haunted the human mind almost forever, the result of mysterious mathematics – our only tool to understand the Universe.
And to think about it, our “scrap artist”, as he mischievously likes to define himself, works with an amazing material, a mixture of carbon and iron, two of the most important elements of the Universe. Quite a symbol.
Michelangelo’s work sublimates everyday life. Its roots lie in the depths of coal mines as well as in the furnace of steel plants. It reminds us of the story of people who migrate, toil, suffer, so that their children can dream, create, and share again. Dream, create and share. Exactly what Michelangelo offers us.

Nassim Haramein
Hawaii USA Physicist, Resonance Science Foundation

Both art and science are born from the observation and study of nature. The works of Michelangelo Circo are the result of this understanding of the dynamics of our universe.

The inspiration of science and nature

A new perspective in sculpture

A different vision of mathematics, physics and philosophy through the Art of expressing in material.

I mainly use steel and other recycled materials to transform them into works of art reflecting my visions of time, space and our origins.

My world is where our true and authentic nature comes first and where the material world is a complementary reflection. In this world, I want to work the material in full awareness of the “dimension” that lies behind it.


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